An Exclusive Bonsai Store in Nepal
Sun - Sat 8:00 - 6:30
Call Anytime
+977 666 888 0000We were born out of a deep-rooted passion for bonsai cultivation and
a profound appreciation for the harmony between nature and human creativity.
Enthusiasts dedicated to helping you embark on your own
bonsai journey with confidence and enthusiasm.
Explore our curated collection of premium bonsai trees, meticulously
selected to thrive in the unique climate and environment of Nepal.
Successfully Project Completed
Founded on a deep appreciation for the meticulous beauty and serenity that bonsai offers, Brikshyalaya is more than just a store; it’s a sanctuary for bonsai enthusiasts.
Premium Selection
Expert Advice - Educational Resources
Personalized Service
Passion for Bonsai
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31 Oct, 21
31 Oct, 21
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